Reading Club II
Reading Club II
Reading Club II
Grade 5-6 NEW

Reading Club II

$439 USD

Designed to encourage a love of reading while providing a structured and memorable reading experience, Reading Club II introduces students to two beloved classic novels, Diana Wynne Jones's Howl's Moving Castle and Scott O'Dell's Island of the Blue Dolphins. Under the guidance and care of our expert teachers, students will explore these novels’ elements, learn the vocabulary that will aid comprehension, write effectively about the stories’ key events, characters, and themes, discuss thoughts, feelings, and insights about the books during live class, and celebrate the joys of reading.

Note: Reading Club courses require the additional purchase of two novels for copyright reason. These are not included in the price of the course.

Book name:

    • Howl's Moving Castle
    • Island of the Blue Dolphins
    • This course includes a carefully pre-recorded 8-week in-depth reading program by our experienced teachers. Students can watch it multiple times at their convenience on our smart learning platform. Additionally, they are required to submit corresponding assignments on the platform to allow teachers to assess and understand their learning progress.
    • This course also includes 8 weeks of LIVE ZOOM classes, during which the teacher will address students' questions and provide clarification based on the assignments they have submitted. Additionally, the teacher will extract key points from the instructional videos of the week and present them in a concise manner.
    • We carefully selected classic literature, excavating children's reading potential, cultivating their English comprehension abilities, and improving reading speed.
    • Through reading, we can expand students' vocabulary, strengthen their comprehension of complex sentence structures, and help children develop preliminary literary appreciation skills.
    If you have any questions about watching related courses, please feel free to contact us or call 888.831.8868.