Suggested 12th Grader

Suggested 12th Grader

$1,700 USD

The university application consultation package covers several key elements over the four years of high school: high school course planning, maintaining GPA , assistance in applying for summer schools, guidance on university essays, and assistance in considering university applications and career directions, etc. If SAT or AP courses are required, academic tutoring assistance can also be provided. The duration of each package is one year.

(*SAT package 10% off with purchase of 5 hours or more)

  • Cornell graduate provides personalized guidance on a one-to-one basis
  • The team assists in tracking students' application preparation progress
  • Students can choose the most critical assistance for their university applications based on their grade level
若您有任何购买课程或者课程学习相关问题,欢迎随时与我们联系 或是拨打 888.831.8868。