- 八周内有效帮助学生完成 AP 考前总复习考出5分好成绩
- 超过 90% 的学生成绩显著提高
- 指导超过上千名学生取得非凡的 AP 成绩
- 精心设计独家课程教材及考试策略

微积分 · 20年经验
M.S. Computer Science, John Hopkins University
B.S. Naval Architecture, National Taiwan University
Owner and manager of Test Prep school for 20 years
Andy 老师成立数学班至今已20年,成功帮助社区培育了至少两三千个优秀学生,其中进入名牌大学的不计其数。他的学生群主要来自马里兰州,甚至还有很多来自维吉里亚州和华盛顿DC.,家长们不辞辛苦把孩子交给 Andy 老师,是对 Andy 老师丰富的教学经验,认真负责教学态度的信任。近20年来培养了一批批成绩斐然的优异学生,很多学生得以顺利进入长春藤系列,MIT,史丹佛大学,约翰霍普金斯,卡内基大学,芝加哥大学等名校入读。Andy 老师帮助这些孩子们在升学路上,追梦踏实。 Andy 老师擅长精辟解析和统整多样考试题型,在加强各类题型练习之外,并持续追踪历年考古题。将数学教材模块化和系统性整理,加强模块内及模块间的题型练习。并且重视培训学生逻辑思考推理能力,强调数学观念的整体融会贯通,以作为解题的基础。他独创灵活运用各种数学定理及公式教学技巧,由浅入深,化繁为简的解题方法让学生叹为观止。 Andy 老师教学成果傲人,近期五年有107位学生参加 AP Calculus AB/BC 考试,有78位满分。
Generally speaking, when you can't swipe your card, it’s helpful to double check if the card information you entered is correct. If you really can't get the card to work, it’s recommended that you try using another card, or you can try using Zelle, PayPal, or any other payment methods to complete your transaction. If you still can't get it to work, call us or email us! Please allow one day for our back-office assistance.
Please leave the parents' contact information when registering for an account so that we can contact the parents when processing tuition fees and course confirmations.
The TransGlobal Education Online Course is a pre-recorded course. Students will receive an email after completing the payment registration and will be prompted to set up their personal learning platform account (Learning Management System) before they can start their classes. You can also watch the course repeatedly as many times as needed.
Each student has a dedicated personal learning account. In their LMS learning system account, students can personally email their teacher, or leave messages. Additionally, we also offer live, online course Q&A sessions. Each student is provided with their teacher’s online Q&A schedule (they can differ from other teachers depending on the course subject). In general, we also have an open online Q&A period from Monday to Friday from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (West Coast time), and one on Saturday from 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM.
If you would like to help your child adjust the curriculum, please contact Customer Service at 626-447-7888 Education. Or email: tgeducation@transglobalus.com
- The full tuition fee may be refunded to those who apply for a refund up to one week prior to the start of the course. There will be a $30 charge assessed for processing fee.
- After the class has started, refund requests will not be accepted; however, you may retain the credit for future classes.
- Please contact us at tgeducation@transglobalus.com or call 888. 831.8868 for any refund questions or concerns.