- 这是适合6-8年级学生的演讲课, 是6周的Live Zoom课程。
- 这门课程通过训练学生演讲的语调,节奏以及记忆技巧和表情管理,可以有效增强学生公共演讲的信心。
- 泛宇独家为我们的学生开发个性化学生LMS学习平台
- 每周课后会布置演讲练习或者作业,以确保演讲课堂更有效率也更有效果

College Essay · 23 years experience
B.A Economics/Computer Science, Cornell University
M.A Intercultural Studies, Fuller Graduate School in Los Angeles
Dennis老师在新泽西长大。从高中时代起,他就是一个兴趣广泛,文武全才的学霸。包括担任高中校报主编和拉丁俱乐部的创始人等领导职务。他在康奈尔大学攻读经济学专业,辅修计算机科学并完成了医学预科课程。毕业后,他前往洛杉矶的富勒研究生院攻读跨文化研究的硕士学位。Dennis老师同时也是一位主任牧师, 他在一家教会忠诚地服侍了23年。在过去的23年里,Dennis 老师凭借着他扎实的学识,多学科的丰富知识和深厚的人生经历,热忱地帮助青少年在学业上进步,精神上富足,勤勉地帮助青少年能成为更好的自己,拥有更美好的人生!
Generally speaking, when you can't swipe your card, it’s helpful to double check if the card information you entered is correct. If you really can't get the card to work, it’s recommended that you try using another card, or you can try using Zelle, PayPal, or any other payment methods to complete your transaction. If you still can't get it to work, call us or email us! Please allow one day for our back-office assistance.
Please leave the parents' contact information when registering for an account so that we can contact the parents when processing tuition fees and course confirmations.
The TransGlobal Education Online Course is a pre-recorded course. Students will receive an email after completing the payment registration and will be prompted to set up their personal learning platform account (Learning Management System) before they can start their classes. You can also watch the course repeatedly as many times as needed.
Each student has a dedicated personal learning account. In their LMS learning system account, students can personally email their teacher, or leave messages. Additionally, we also offer live, online course Q&A sessions. Each student is provided with their teacher’s online Q&A schedule (they can differ from other teachers depending on the course subject). In general, we also have an open online Q&A period from Monday to Friday from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM (West Coast time), and one on Saturday from 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM.
If you would like to help your child adjust the curriculum, please contact Customer Service at 626-447-7888 Education. Or email: tgeducation@transglobalus.com
- The full tuition fee may be refunded to those who apply for a refund up to one week prior to the start of the course. There will be a $30 charge assessed for processing fee.
- After the class has started, refund requests will not be accepted; however, you may retain the credit for future classes.
- Please contact us at tgeducation@transglobalus.com or call 888. 831.8868 for any refund questions or concerns.