College Essay <br> One-on-One Sessions by the Hour
College Essay <br> One-on-One Sessions by the Hour
Grade 10-12 NEW

College Essay
One-on-One Sessions by the Hour

$180 USD

量体裁衣,根据每一位学生的特质,每一位学生的经历,指导你写出你自己的故事! 拒绝同质化,专业老师独特的视角,激发你找到你的发光点! 无论是Common APP 还是UC系列主题,我们的老师都有20余年的指导经验! 匹配你的梦校要求,匹配你的个性特点,帮你找到你的赛道,掌握田忌赛马取胜之道!

  • One-on-one sessions with a private teacher are scheduled. through Zoom. Immediate guidance to student is provided by our elite teachers in these sessions.
  • One-on-one sessions with a private teacher are require the teacher to better understand the student and his or her learning level as well as areas of improvement. A detailed questionnaire must be completed prior to scheduling private sessions.
  • One-on-one private sessions can be customized according to the needs of your student. These courses can be but are not limited to ELD language improvement for new immigrant students, supplementary reading or supplementary writing courses for middle school students.
  • Our elite teachers are arranged and coordinated by the team at TransGlobal Education.
  • Teachers and students may negotiate and discuss class scheduling.
若您有任何购买课程或者课程学习相关问题,欢迎随时与我们联系 或是拨打 888.831.8868。