Grade 9-11


4 weeks
$500 USD

In this comprehensive four-week online PSAT course, students will prepare for both the verbal and math sections of the exam and get the tools and support needed to enhance performance and build confidence for the test. Each week features interactive 1.5-hour live lessons with experienced instructors, focusing on the variety of problem types across the test sections. Personalized feedback and strategic guidance, alongside weekly full-length practice tests (about 3 hours each) and homework exercises (approximately 1-2 hours per week), will refine students' skills and give them a chance to apply strategies in a test-like environment. 

  • 该课程包含泛宇名师精心预录的6周课程,学生可以在我们的学习平台上随时随地多次观看。 同时需要在平台提交配套的写作练习,以便老师批改了解学生的学习进展。
  • 泛宇教育设计定制化智能 LMS 学习平台
  • 有效帮助孩子提升阅读写作实力
  • 开发孩子阅读潜能 鼓励创造力
  • 有效为高中生提升 AP 与 SAT 及 PSAT 考试自信与实力
  • 精心规划教材 让孩子快乐自信学习
若您有任何购买课程或者课程学习相关问题,欢迎随时与我们联系 或是拨打 888.831.8868。