Writing & Reading 1
Writing & Reading 1
Writing & Reading 1
Grade 3-4 NEW HOT

Writing & Reading 1

16 Weeks
$650 USD
課程適合3-4年級學生,包括16週的學習平台預錄課和16週的live zoom課。8週時間學生將會閱讀兩本經典讀物,掌握基本的閱讀技巧和深度閱讀能力。另八週時間學生將獲得學術寫作核心技能的能力,學習如何使用寫作過程以各種模式開發有效的作文,同時提高敏銳度標準書面英語語法,通過學習和使用學術詞彙來發現口才。學生將獲得如何以客戶身份撰寫評論、如何給聖誕老人寫信、如何撰寫讀書報告以及如何寫短詩的技能。如果學生用好我們學習平台上精心設計的教材,在課堂上認真聽講老師講授的內容,他們的閱讀能力和寫作能力一定會有很大的提高。
  • This course includes a 16-week series of video lessons presented by an experienced teacher. Students can watch video lessons multiple times at their convenience on our online Learning Management System (LMS).
  • As students write and submit assignments through the LMS, teachers will assess and guide their progress.
  • This course also includes live Zoom classes, during which the teacher will answer students' questions, clarify assignments, extract key points from the weekly lesson, and provide further opportunities for students to practice and get feedback.
  • Every week, the teacher provides detailed feedback and revision suggestions for each writing exercise. This is an invaluable opportunity for children to receive writing guidance that is often hard to come by in school.
  • Students will learn about and practice more than five different types and styles of writing, developing their writer’s repertoire and preparing them for school writing assignments.
若您有任何購買課程,或是與上課相關的問題,歡迎隨時與我們聯繫 tgeducation@transglobalus.com 或是撥打 888.831.8868。